The Data of Behavior & Neuroplasticity – insideBIGDATA

The way we react to things and control our
overall mood and behaviors have long been a topic of interest for many
psychologists and neurologists. Hundreds have dedicated their lives to gaining
more data and a better understanding of behaviorism. This knowledge can help us
all use neuroplasticity — the brain’s natural adaptiveness — to help ourselves
and improve our lives. Believed to be at its most adaptive stages in children
before puberty, there is still neuroplasticity to work with in adult brains.

A greater understanding of neuroplasticity can
greatly reduce our need for addictive prescription drugs or expensive cognitive
behavioral therapy. The profound advances we have made in big data collection
in recent years has completely altered the way we obtain and analyze this
information, which can lead to stronger and more accurate decisions on the type
of help that needs to be provided. In the end, data science has completely
altered behavioral science, and vise versa.

Adjusting Behavior

Hundreds of neurological studies have proven the brain is anything but a static organ. Rather, the development of new skills is often linked with the creation of new neural pathways that help us retain knowledge. This concept is known as neuroplasticity, and it means that we can reroute patterns in our brain and ultimately change major behaviors.

This idea of using neuroplasticity and other counseling methods to change behaviors is lumped under the umbrella of behaviorism studies. Using scientific measurements of brain activity and outcomes on the ground, human behavior can be studied and modified in a repeatable, scientific way. Behaviorism and the use of neuroplasticity is a big deal because, if successful, it can greatly reduce our need of things such as addictive medications to modify undesirable behaviors. 

ADHD Example

A good example of neuroplasticity and behaviorism in practice is through the adjustment of behaviors related to ADHD. The majority of people diagnosed with the condition use some sort of prescribed amphetamine or other stimulant to help relieve the most disruptive of their behaviors and allow themselves to focus.

Many people trying to avoid using stimulants turn to natural remedies such as avoiding allergies or food preservatives. Neurotherapies and behavioral counseling have also been implemented. Often times these involve teaching children to focus on specific fun tasks to help build new neural pathways. Other treatments work on focus in patients through yoga, meditation, or by discovering and redirecting problematic behavior triggers.

Behavioral Science Meets Data Science

Not surprisingly, behavioral science is starting to play an impressive role in data science and vice versa. Many scientists and other healthcare professionals believe big data collection can help identify behavioral trends in society and more easily pinpoint causes. This can lead to greater success in behavioral training and in creating a more effective learning technique to change negative behaviors and alter neuroplasticity.

Likewise, data science benefits from behavior science because all sorts of general consumer behavior information can be capitalized on to increase marketing success. Having a behavioral scientist on staff at a major company can help markers come to better conclusions on how customers are likely to respond to certain advertising schemes or develop a better brand identity strategy.

The data of behavior and neuroplasticity has the potential to have major impacts on our lives. It can greatly improve our abilities to naturally change our negative behaviors without the need for addictive drugs. Furthermore, it can help businesses more effectively market their products while giving consumers a better overall experience.

About the Author

Magnolia Potter is a muggle from the Pacific Northwest who writes from time to time. She covers a variety of topics and prefers not to settle on just one. When Magnolia’s not writing, you can find her in the outdoors or curled up with a good book and a mug of butterbeer. She is still waiting for her Hogwarts acceptance letter. You can chat with her on Twitter @MuggleMagnolia.

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