Wholesale Numbing for Local and National Pharmacies – Providing Stronger Solutions at Attractive Prices – Communal News

One of the best parts about being involved with running a pharmacy, whether a local pharmacy or a national chain, is that you know that you are making a positive impact on the community. When people go to their local pharmacy for an over-the-counter remedy, they feel bad, buy what they need, and then they feel better. There is a huge emotional attachment that develops between a person and their pharmacy, and that is an often overlooked component of the human condition.

Combining science, art, natural remedy, and a hefty dose of raw unbridled numbing power. We have created a brute strength anesthetic with maximum lidocaine numbing strength. https://numbify.com

There are a lot of good remedies out there for everything from colds, coughs, allergies and constipation. However, one of the areas that can use some improvement is the local topical anesthetic/numbing industry. Most of the local numbing products on the market today are exactly the same as they were 50 years ago, especially the wholesale market.  There isn’t a lot of innovation going on in the field. Lidocaine has an excellent reputation, but for as many as 1/3 of the population Lidocaine isn’t enough. Rather than innovate and find new ways to deliver the Lidocaine, and make it more effective, many companies are pouring money into fake reviews, that make them look better than they are, and libel their competition.

This is where Numbify comes in. Unlike most of the players in the Lidocaine numbing field, Numbify focuses on the results, not the reviews. While competitors may publish fake negative reviews against us, Numbify is well known for its commitment to integrity. WE do not publish fake reviews, positive or negative, and if we do get a negative review we delve into how we can improve our product to compensate.

Numbify is a deep penetrating formula delivering 5% lidocaine when numbing is needed for fast and strong relief of pain and itching. In side-by-side testing, Numbify has been shown to be the most powerful numbing formula on the market. Numbify 5% lidocaine numbing is a deep penetrating anesthetic numbing cream packed with as many natural ingredients as possible, designed to significantly reduce extreme topical pain. https://numbify.com

This proactive approach has taken Numbify from a nonentity a few years ago, to a nationwide leader with a repetition for providing the strongest numbing products. When choosing medications for your pharmacy, whether a local or a nationwide chain, you want to make sure that you choose the right medication– one that provides low entry prices and that will help bring your customers back again and again because they know they can count on your pharmacy to provide them with the strongest numbing products on the market – Numbify.

Numbify does not expect you to take our word for it. We believe so strongly in our product that we want to give your research team a free sample of our product to test out. Our Numbify challenge is simple. Try Numbify against any other product on the market, on our dime, and you will be pleasantly surprised at how effective it can be. Our commitment to high quality useful ingredients (natural wherever possible) is why Numbify excels against other brands, most of which use the lowest cost, cheap, synthetic ingredients to save money. That is the Numbify difference.

Even though our products contain these high quality ingredients, we still offer them at low cost, so that everyone who needs them can afford it. Numbify creams, gels, and sprays fly off the shelves at these prices, and provide you with as much as a 35% profit margin. Numbify’s wholesale program is simple and easy to use. Sign up right from our website www.numbify.com to get your free sample.

So whether your pharmacy is a local mom and pop shop, or a big national chain, make sure that Numbify is on your shelves. Boost your profits, and customer loyalty, and get Numbified!!

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