What are skin mites? How to treat this skin problem at home? – PINKVILLA

The little parasites that live on our skin can cause skin infection if there is an imbalance in their numbers, but there are natural solutions to all skin problems. Home remedies can help get rid of skin infections.

What are skin mites? How to treat this skin problem at home?

We all have a clean face and we wash our face every now and then. But what we have no idea about is that our face has a lot of parasites. These parasites live on your skin and live off your skin and skin oil. These parasites are called face mites or skin mites. They can also be called Demodex mites. These mites that live on our skin are not visible to the naked eye and do not cause any trouble at all. A healthy balance of mites on your skin helps keep your skin clear and healthy, but when there is an imbalance in the number of mites it can lead to skin problems. There is no way to completely rid your skin of the mites but an imbalance can lead to skin conditions or infections. Home remedies are the best way to improve your skin and find the balance it needs but more importantly, you need to consult a doctor. See a dermatologist and consult him before you start any home remedies to treat skin mites. You cannot treat anything without getting diagnosed.

1. Neem

Neem has a lot of medicinal properties. It is a great antiseptic and has anti-bacterial properties. It can help clear your skin of any infections and bacteria. Neem is used for many skin problems. A smooth paste of neem or some neem oil can help you maintain a healthy balance of skin mites.

2. Tea tree oil

Tea tress oil can help kill the skin mites and reduce the number of mites you have on your skin. Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with a carrier oil and massage your face with it. Let it stay on your face for 20 to 30 minutes after that and wash it off.

3. Turmeric

Turmeric is an antiseptic and has many medicinal properties and has been used for healing since forever. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties as well as anti-bacterial properties. It can soothe your skin and kill skin mites. Make a paste from turmeric powder and some neem or clove essential oil mixed with a carrier oil or you can use freshly squeezed lemon juice instead. Apply this on your face and let it dry before you wash it off. Do this 3 to 4 times a week.

4. Clove oil

Clove is known to have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. You can use it to rid your skin of any infection caused by skin mites. Mix some clove essential oil with a carrier oil and apply it on your face. Leave it in for 20 to 30 minutes and wash it off with a facewash.

5. Vinegar

Vinegar can impact the pH levels of your skin which in turn impacts the skin mites and helps get rid of them. Take some vinegar and mix it with an equal amount of water and use a cotton ball to apply this on your face. Let it stay for 10 to 15 minutes before you rinse it off. 

Credits :pinkvilla

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