VERIFY: Pineapple Juice Can Suppress Some Coughs –

GREENVILLE, N.C. — What kind of juice are you drinking with your breakfast? Turns out, the preference of your taste buds could affect whether your body attacks an ailment.


In September, ahead of cold and flu season, the VERIFY team de-bunked a popular post about grape juice. The post claimed grape juice changes your intestinal tract’s PH and fends off the stomach bug. Novant Health dietitian Krista Kiger said there is no research showing grape juice can change the digestive system to prevent the stomach bug, but grapes are great antioxidants, which keep cells healthy and can prevent the stomach bug in the first place.

RELATED: VERIFY: Grape Juice Won’t Cure The Stomach Bug But Might Prevent It

That VERIFY prompted a follow-up from Good Morning Show viewer Sharon Willis. She wrote, “I saw your VERIFY on grape juice, but what about pineapple juice? I saw this on Facebook and was wondering.”

Viewer VERIFY question on pineapple juice

WFMY via Sharon Willis

The post appears to have come from Samsara Herbs, an online shop selling herbs for natural remedies. The post claims, “When you drink pineapple juice, you help dissolve mucus in the lungs. Pineapple juice is a great cough suppressant, because it contains an enzyme known as bromelain, which has strong anti-inflammatory benefits.”

Pineapple juice VERIFY

Sharon Willis via Facebook

Can pineapple juice cure a cough?


  • Thomas Vagts – registered dietitian – Novant Health Thomasville Medical Center


Vagts said the claim about pineapple juice can be true. 

“Although pineapple juice has been touted in many home remedies that some have experienced with cough suppressants, there is no hard scientific evidence proven to suppress all coughs,” he said.

Vagts further explained the natural properties of pineapple juice, like bromelain and high vitamin C, are anti-inflammatory and support immune systems. That means pineapple juice can help suppress some coughs, depending on the origin and severity.


Pineapple juice can suppress a cough, but it is not a cure-all. Talk to a doctor, if you have a cough that persists.

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