Home remedies for removing Nail Polish – Fashion.ie

Home remedies for removing Nail Polish

Home remedies for removing Nail Polish

Home remedies for removing Nail Polish. Nail polish is an every day beauty product that all girls use to glam their final finish.

This looks fab when applied to either your hands or toes. After that perfect night or day comes the dreaded job of cleaning off the old polish.

It’s a nightmare for most and a job very few of us enjoy. Now imagine you are ready for cleansing and you don’t have any nail polish remover (nightmare)

Well you don’t have to really worry as there are products lying around the home that can help you. OK, it’s not as handy as the stuff that comes in the bottle but it is just as effective.

Most are natural products that are kinder to the body and environment.

We have put together some easy ways in which you can remove old nail varnish that are actually cheaper than ones bought off the shelf.

Home remedies for removing Nail Polish

Home remedies for removing Nail Polish

Lemon is a great alternative 

Lemon is a great natural ingredient. Yes this can be used to remove your old nail polish. Its natural ingredients are used in manicures. It’s a simple as rubbing a slice of lemon onto the nails which will help remove your nail polish.

What you will need

  • Some lukewarm soapy water (not boiling hot)
  • A slice of lemon of fresh cut lemon

How To Remove your Nail Polish using a Lemon slice

  • You must soak your fingers tips containing the nail polish in lukewarm soapy water for about 4-6 minutes. This helps to soften the nails.
  • Massage your slice of lemon to each individual nail which will remove the old nail varnish.
  • Make sure to apply a moisturiser to each nail afterwards. This helps keep your nails healthy.
The magic of Vinegar

We all know that vinegar has an acidic ingredient. This helps break down your nail polish. Most of us has a bottle of vinegar lying in the cupboards..

You Will Need

  • Cotton balls
  • Vinegar in a glass or cup
  • Fresh lemon juice extracts

How To Remove your Nail Polish using Vinegar

  1. Soak your nails in warm water for 10-20 minutes
  2. Combine the lemon and vinegar liquid by mixing equally in a glass or cup.
  3. Give the mixture a good stir.
  4. Now soak a cotton ball in it and apply to each fingernail.
  5. Press and hold for approximately 10-20 seconds. This will cause the polish on the nail to dissolve.
  6. Use the cotton ball to clear the polish from the nail. This may take a little longer depending on the layering of polish on your nail.
  7. Again, don’t forget to moisturise your nails afterwards.
Alcohol has antibacterial properties.

Alcohol is another great mix to remove old nail varnish. This is less harsh than normal chemicals found in more conventional removers. Alcohol is also seen as a good way to remove varnish for those suffering from nail infections. This is because of its antibacterial properties.

You Will Need

  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Bowl of lukewarm water
  • Cotton ball

How To Remove Nail Polish using Alcohol

  1. Make sure to soak your nails for between 5-10 minutes in bowl of lukewarm water.
  2. Apply the alcohol to the wet cotton ball and apply to each nail containing the polish.
  3. Rub deep until all the polish is removed.
  4. Make sure to moisturise your hands and nails afterwards
Choose Deodorant

Come on ladies, we all have a bottle of deodorant lying around. For those of you who didn’t know, Acetone is the main ingredient found in nail polish removers. However, it can be harsh on the skin. Deodorants contain some ingredients that can act as wonderful nail polish remover replacement.

You Will Need

  • Deodorant spray
  • Cotton ball

How To Remove Nail Polish using Deodorant

  1. Before you begin, check the bottle of deodorant to make sure you are not allergic to spray deodorants. Use the deodorant you use on your body for everyday use.
  2. Spray the deodorant to each nail and leave for 5 seconds to absorb (no longer)
  3. Remove the polish using the cotton wool. Most deodorants contain alcohol and acetone.
  4. This will help to clean the nails and remove the nail paint quickly. Don’t forget to moisturise the nails and fingertips afterwards.

Home remedies for removing Nail Polish

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