Best Weight Loss Tips While On The Keto Diet – Medical Daily

Obesity and metabolism-related diseases have become “the world’s biggest health problems,” taking the lives of at least 2.8 million each year, according to To combat both, many diets have emerged, only a few of which are backed by research. 

One of these science-backed diets is the ketogenic diet, a low-carb, high-fat diet. Because consumption of carb sources such as bread, fruits, pasta and pastries is reduced or eliminated, the diet causes your body to enter a metabolic state known as ketosis, in which the fats stored are converted into ketones, molecules that supply your brain with energy. It is because of these reasons that weight loss fanatics often praise it for extreme weight loss without having to miss out on delicious food. 

To maximize your weight loss results, here are the following to help you lose pounds while on a keto diet:

Eat A Hearty Breakfast

Studies show that those who eat a hearty breakfast lose weight more compared to those who don’t. 

The question now is, what breakfast should keto followers like you enjoy at the start of the day? Well, you can start with just a simple plate of bacon and eggs. Another great breakfast option is scrambled eggs.

Eat At Different Set Times

Eating at different times of the day can help you not only burn fat, but also lose weight. 

For many people, intermittent fasting has become a popular way to lose unwanted fat. There are many ways to practice it. One of these is the 16/8 intermittent fast. This method involves eating during an eight-hour period and fasting for a 16-hour period, typically eating from midday to early evening.

Do Not Fear Snacks

Snacking is something people usually avoid when dieting. However, there are lots of keto snacks for keto dieters to enjoy when following the diet. These snacks include chia pudding, which contains 20 percent protein. If you want more savory options, you can opt for a homemade trail mix full of nuts and seeds.

Make Every Drink Count

According to medical nutritionist Dr. Naomi Newman-Beinart, your choice of caffeinated drinks can have a significant effect on whether you can lose belly fat.

“If you’re trying to slim down and lose stubborn belly fat, green tea could be your new favorite beverage,” Dr. Naomi said. “Research has found that green tea in particular may be helpful for supporting metabolism and weight management. For example, in a study carried out with 35 obese men and women, it was found that those who drank four cups of green tea daily for two months lost significantly more weight than those who consumed a placebo.”

Eat The Right Fats

Keto diets are certainly high in fats, but they are not found in cakes or crackers. The key is by eating the right fats and there is one in particular that you should avoid: trans fat. 

“Trans fats, which contain hydrogenated fats and hydrogenated oils, are waging war on our waist, because of the way our body metabolizes this type of fat,” Jane Michell, nutritionist and founder of diet program Jane Plan, told the Daily Express.

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