13 plants that can naturally improve our home, health and wellbeing – HouseBeautiful.com

close up of purple flowering plants on field

Baraa Jalahej / EyeEmGetty Images

From lavender to jasmine, plants possess natural qualities to help boost our wellbeing, health, happiness and improve our homes, too.

Whether you’re looking for a natural remedy to help with anxiety or need a plant to keep insects at bay, there’s probably a plant that can come to your aid.

‘These days we tend to keep plants and flowers around as decoration or to take advantage of their lovely scent, but this research is a nice reminder of the wonderful ways in which plants can actually benefit our health and happiness,’ says Lucia Polla at . ‘Perhaps when we’re feeling a bit run-down the garden should be our first port of call.’

Mint and basil: great for keeping insects at bay

              Want a natural remedy for keeping insects out of your home? Both mint and basil can work wonders, thanks to their pungent scent. ‘Mint is known to repel lots of insects including mosquitoes due to its strong smell – it can even keep mice away,’ explain the team at Serenata Flowers.

              ‘Another great insect repellent is Basil, which can be planted around doors and windows to keep bugs from entering.’

              Top tip: place mint and basil leaves around entry points in your home, such as by doors, windows and wall cracks, to deter the pesky creatures from coming in.

              The snake plant and lavender: great for anxiety

              Plants have been known for increasing air quality and boosting our moods, but they can also help to reduce levels of anxiety.

              Not sure which plants to get your hands on? ‘Lavender is known for its stress-relieving qualities – it slows down the heart rate and lowers blood pressure to greatly reduce stress. This is why its scent can often be found in lotions and sprays. The snake plant is also believed to reduce anxiety, improve respiratory problems and cure the symptoms of a headache.’

              potted plants on a windowsill at home

              Aloe vera and jasmine flower: great for improved sleep

              If you’re struggling to get a good night’s sleep, one of the natural ways to help you drift off smoothly is to place a potted aloe vera plant or jasmine flower beside your bed. Aloe vera produces oxygen at night to combat insomnia and improve overall sleep quality, while jasmine flower has a gentle scent which can calm the body.

              jasmine flower

              Bamboo palm and golden pothos: great for productivity

              According to a , having plants on a desk can boost our levels of productivity during the day. Looking to spruce up the space where you work at home? Place some plants beside your laptop, table or on the window sill.

              Serenata Flowers explain: ‘Bamboo palm is known for its ability to fight indoor air pollution, promoting clear-thinking and easy breathing. Another top office plant is golden pothos which removes air toxins and absorbs unpleasant smells.’

              Rubber plant and peace lilies: great for cleaning the air

              These much-loved houseplants are famed for their air-purifying qualities. Carefully placing the right air-purifying plants around your home can help to cleanse your indoor air and, ultimately, make your space healthier.

              Rubber plants are great for removing harmful toxins, particularly formaldehyde, and these plants become more efficient at cleaning the air as time goes on. Peace lilies are also believed to improve air quality by as much as 60 per cent and true to their name, bring with them a sense of peace and relaxation.’

              ficus elastica

              Sage: great for hair

              As well as being a kitchen cooking staple, sage can also correct hair colour when used as a paste or ointment. This common herb helps restore bright colour, which is great news if you’re struggling to book a hairdresser’s appointment.

              Mint plants: great for upset stomachs

              Various types of mint plant — including Catnip and Korean Mint — can help to fight flu symptoms and relieve upset stomachs. Either add chopped mint leaves to your cooking or use them to make your own delicious all-natural tea remedy. Simply add a dollop of honey and enjoy.

              fresh mint leafs in garden

              anand purohitGetty Images

              Red clover: great for fighting infections

              ‘Herbal remedies have been used to fight infection for centuries and still stand the test of time today. Before pharmacies were readily available, red clover was used in teas and ointments to treat coughs, colds and skin irritations. Meanwhile, Native Americans used navajo tea for centuries as a quick relief of urine infections and for a general health kick,’ Serenata Flowers explain.

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