World Asthma Day 2019: Arm up against this lung disorder with natural remedies – TheHealthSite

Globally, around 235 million people suffer from asthma, suggests a WHO data. It not only affects adults but kids as well. In fact, asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases among children.  According to the WHO, this lung disorder is under-diagnosed and under-treated as well. So, mass awareness among patients is of utmost importance. The World Asthma Day (WAD) is a global campaign initiated with the intention of educating people about this respiratory ailment. This annual event is celebrated by the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) on the first Tuesday of the month of May every year along with other health care groups and asthma educators around the world. This year, the World Asthma Day is being celebrated today, 7th of may. The day was first observed in the year 1998 after the first World Asthma Meeting was held in Barcelona. The theme for WAD this year is STOP for Asthma. Here, STOP stands for Symptom Evaluation, Test Response, Observe and Assess, and Proceed to Adjust Treatment.

Asthma is a non-communicablechronic disease in which air supply gets restricted due to inflammation and narrowing of lungs. The airways swell and produce extra mucus causing difficulty in breathing. Asthma  is characterized by shortness of breath, a wheezing sound when exhaling, pain or tightness in chest, etc. Certain factors including chemical fumes, dust, certain medications, common cold, stress, gastroesophageal reflux disease or pollen may trigger asthma symptoms. Though the exact cause of asthma is not known yet, environmental (pollution, toxins, temperature, etc.) and genetic factors are held responsible. There are several risk factors that can increase your chance of getting asthma. These include obesity, family history of the condition, smoking, working in a chemical factory, etc. As far as its diagnosis is concerned, doctors ask for family history and conduct some tests including physical test (involves the checking of respiratory problem using stethoscope), spirometry test (involves deep breaths and forceful exhalation into a hose) to find out the maximum amount of air a patient is able to inhale or exhale, and bronchoprovocation test (involves the administration of an airway-constricting substance). For the treatment of asthma, doctors may suggest medicines and inhalers. They work by relaxing the muscles of your airways and allowing you to breathe easily. Along with these medicines, there could be some home remedies that can help you tame the symptoms of asthma. On this World Asthma Day, we tell you how you can fight asthma naturally.

Eucalyptus oil


Due to the presence of an active compound called citronellal, eucalyptus oil helps to open the airways and improve bronchial restriction. © Shutterstock

According to International Journal of Phytopharmacy, this oil has anti-inflammatory properties that help in managing symptoms of respiratory problems like asthma. Due to the presence of an active compound called citronellal, which has analgesic effects, eucalyptus oil helps to open the airways and improve bronchial restriction. It also contains eucalyptol, a beneficial compound which has the ability to reduce spasm in the respiratory tract and make the mucus thin and less sticky. You need to inhale eucalyptus oil either by putting its drops in the hot water or on a towel.



Garlic boosts your body’s ability to create prostacyclin, a compound that helps keep the air passages of the lungs open promoting easy breathing. © Shutterstock

Being rich in vitamin C, a fresh garlic can help neutralize free radicals that cause contraction of muscles in the airway of asthma sufferers. Also, it reduces the release of histamine, a natural chemical responsible for promoting inflammation in asthma sufferers. Garlic in fact boosts your body’s ability to create prostacyclin, a compound that helps keep the air passages of the lungs open promoting easy breathing. Having anti-oxidant and analgesic properties, garlic can effectively reduce inflammation as well while clearing excessive mucus and swelling from the passageways.

Omega-3 fatty acids


Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the production of IgE, the antibodies that cause allergic reactions and asthma symptoms in people. © Shutterstock

According to a study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine,dietary intake of omega-3 fatty acids can help in the treatment of asthma. Another study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation—Insight stated that omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the production of IgE, the antibodies that cause allergic reactions and asthma symptoms in people. Found naturally in foods like fish, nuts and seeds, omega-3 fatty acids can effectively manage airway inflammation as well as the reactivity of the immune system.



Endowed with anti-inflammatory properties, ginger can reduce swelling of the passage ways leading to your lungs and help in easy breathing. © Shutterstock

Ginger can effectively smooth and relax airway muscles providing relief to asthma patients, says a study published in the American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology. Endowed with anti-inflammatory properties, ginger can reduce swelling of the passage ways leading to your lungs and help in easy breathing. You can use this superfood in dry, raw, and fresh forms to treat all kinds of respiratory conditions.



Honey has antioxidant properties that help fight inflammation and boost immunity. © Shutterstock

Honey has anti-inflammatory properties, due to which it can decrease the swelling of the airways that accompanies asthma. Also, it has antioxidant properties that help fight inflammation and boost immunity. It has been found to be more effective at night. Therefore, you are advised to have honey before going to bed. Doing this will ensure good rest along with a relaxed chest and throat in the morning. You can either mix honey in water and drink the mixture or swallow it raw in a tea spoon. It is considered as one of the oldest natural remedies available for asthma and a host of other diseases. Honey clears phlegm from throat and passage ways to allow you to breathe better.

Mustard oil


Mustard oil provides relief during asthma attacks by relieving pressure and opening up the passage ways leading to the lungs. © Shutterstock

Mustard oil is considered as one of the safest and effective ways to subside asthma symptoms. It provides relief during asthma attacks by relieving pressure and opening up the passage ways leading to the lungs. Massage warm mustard oil onto your chest till you feel relief from the symptoms. While heating this oil you can also use a little bit of camphor for better results.



Onion is loaded with compounds that have active anti-inflammatory properties. © Shutterstock

Onion is considered as natural antibiotic against asthma. Being rich in a powerful anti-inflammatory compound called quercetin, onion can effectively provide your relief from allergies that can trigger an allergy attack. It is also loaded with other compounds that have active anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, do include onions, preferably red onions in your daily diet.  They are jam-packed with anti-oxidants, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral properties. Moreover, onions are rich sources of vitamin C. All these make onions a great remedy for asthma.

Published: May 7, 2019 1:48 pm

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